The Chapel Campaign

The Chapel Campaign Vision Video

Hear from some of our members about The Chapel Campaign

This September, we are celebrating 3 years since the launch of The King’s Church! Over the past 3 years we have seen the Lord do abundantly more than we could ask or imagine. We have celebrated salvations, baptisms, new members, adoptions, and partnered to see new churches planted here and abroad. King Jesus has been worshiped & the good news of the gospel has been declared & displayed in and through our church body. God has been immensely kind & gracious to us.

During these 3 years, we’ve been gathering for worship on Sundays in rental spaces, first at Dixieland Elementary School and now currently at Union Hall. These have been great locations for us, but we are quickly outgrowing our current gathering spaces. We are already at two services at Union Hall that are nearing capacity, and with our heart to be in the Dixieland historic neighborhood for the long-term, our rental options are limited.

Just as we began to pray what the Lord might have next for The King’s Church, we believe he has opened up an incredible opportunity to purchase a church building that will serve as the long-term home for our church!

730 S Florida Ave

In August, we went under contract with the intent to purchase a historic church building right in the heart of the Dixieland neighborhood here in Lakeland. This church building, originally built in 1925, is a known fixture in our community and in the historic district. Though we have always had an awareness of this property and thought it would be the most advantageous for us in fulfilling our vision & mission as a church, we did not anticipate this opportunity. The Lord has opened up this door for us and we are stepping in faith into where he is leading.

Because of the care & investment of the selling church, the building is in incredible shape. It has a beautiful sanctuary, plenty of office & classroom space, a full-size industrial kitchen, fellowship hall area, and ample room for our Kingdom Kids & students (you can see more photos at the bottom of this page). We believe this space will allow us to grow numerically while still remaining committed to the priorities the Lord has called us to. This property would be a long-term home for The King’s Church & an opportunity to root ourselves as a local expression of a gospel community right here in Lakeland & the historic district.

Next steps

While we are under contract for this property, this is not yet a finalized deal. Thanks to the generosity of our church family over the past three years, we are in a great financial position to pursue this purchase. However, we do need to fundraise this fall in order to make this opportunity a reality. The purchase price is $2 million dollars & we need to raise at least $350,000 by the end of 2021 in order to help place a down payment, cover increased costs, and to continue to be generous toward church planting, orphan care, and other commitments we have made as a church family.

There are a few ways you can partner with us in this incredible opportunity:

1. Pray: If the Lord truly desires for us to call this building home, we are asking that he make clear the path this fall & provides for our needs. Please pray that all of the logistics & details of this building purchase would be worked out & that he would be preparing the hearts of our church family for what lies ahead.

2. Give: We would be honored if you would consider investing in The Chapel Campaign financially. You can give in a few ways:

  • Online at the link HERE

  • Mail a financial contribution to: The King’s Church, PO Box 2663, Lakeland, Fl 33806-2663

  • Cash or checks can be dropped in our giving box on Sunday mornings

Please designate “The Chapel Campaign” fund for online giving, in the check memo line, or in a cash envelope.

CAMPAIGN UPDATE: We have reached our initial goal of 350k between gifts & pledged gifts! Thank you for considering giving to help us with initial move-in costs, a few pressing maintenance items, & to continue to free up our resources to say yes to our ministry priorities!

3. Spread the Word: Please tell others that might be interested in learning more and supporting our church family in this effort!

If you have any questions or you would like more information on how to support the purchase of this building as a long-term home for The King’s Church, please email Pastor Ian:

FUll Photo Gallery Available below