Open House (February)
10:30 AM10:30

Open House (February)

  • The King's Church (Fellowship Hall) (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This brief meeting is designed for those new to our community to learn more about The King’s Church! You’ll have a chance to meet some of our pastors, hear more about our church, learn about next steps to get further connected, and ask questions. Open House will take place in the Fellowship Hall in the back building immediately following both the 9:00am and the 11:00am service and will last for around 20 minutes. You can RSVP below if you plan to attend! Open Houses will (generally) be held every last Sunday of the month.

*Note: if you have children in Kingdom Kids, please check them out of their classroom prior to coming to the meeting. 

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Compassion Lunch
1:00 PM13:00

Compassion Lunch

People at The King’s Church sponsor more than 100 children through Compassion International worldwide. Most of them live near our church partner in Sao Luis do Curu, Brazil. On March 2, 2025, we are hosting lunch after the second service for all those families who sponsor children and for anyone who would like to learn more about our outreach in Brazil or about Compassion International. Please use this link to sign up and receive more information.

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Ash Wednesday Service
6:30 PM18:30

Ash Wednesday Service

Join us at the chapel on Wednesday, March 5th at 6:30pm for an evening of worship and prayer for Ash Wednesday, as we enter into the season of Lent. This season in the church calendar marks the 40 days from “Ash Wednesday” through “Holy Saturday” (excluding Sundays), and is meant to draw our attention to the events leading up to the crucifixion on Good Friday and resurrection of Christ on Easter Sunday. Lent is a season that encourages self-examination, confession of sin, prayer, fasting, and meditation on God’s Word.

For this Ash Wednesday service, we will gather to sing, pray together, hear from God’s Word, and culminate our time together by the application of ashes to our foreheads as a symbolic reminder our own mortality and the invitation to a life of faith and repentance.

No childcare will be provided and we encourage families to come together for this evening of worship & prayer.

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Member Interest Meetings
to Mar 9

Member Interest Meetings

If you are not currently a member at The King’s Church & would like to learn more information about membership, we would love to have you join us at our upcoming interest meetings! These meetings are also a great way to learn more about our church & ask more questions of some of our leaders if you are still exploring our church. 

Here is what you need to know for this two-part meeting over the weekend of March 7-9:

  • Part I: Friday, March 7, from 7:00pm-8:30pm, we will gather at the church (in the Fellowship Hall) for and a chance to get oriented to The King’s Church. You’ll have a chance to meet some of our key leaders and hear about the history, vision, and mission of our church. We will also talk through our core values and ways to get plugged in to our church family. There will also be an extended time for Q&A at the end of our time together. No childcare will be provided for this meeting but we will have dessert to share! 

  • Part II: Sunday, March 9, from 12:30pm-2:30pm (right after church): at this second meeting we will walk through what the Bible has to say about church membership, look at our membership covenant together, and talk through some of our doctrinal and theological distinctives. Next steps for membership will also clearly be outlined at this time. Childcare and lunch will be provided for this meeting. 

In order to ensure we have enough food and childcare workers, please register below to let us know that you are coming! Please contact us if you have any questions ahead of time.

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Men's Dinner (Spring '25)
6:00 PM18:00

Men's Dinner (Spring '25)

Our Men’s and Women’s gatherings exist for the purpose of gospel friendship. We do this by regularly gathering for encouragement, support, prayer, and discipleship (~3 times per year).

On Friday, March 14th from 6:00 to 8:00 pm, we will be hosting a men’s dinner in the Fellowship Hall. Any and all men are invited to attend. This is designed to be a space for food, fellowship, and prayer. Please RSVP so we can make sure we have enough food for everyone.

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Baptism Interest Meeting (Part I)
12:30 PM12:30

Baptism Interest Meeting (Part I)

We will be having a baptism interest meeting on March 23 at 12:30pm. During our time, we will consider what the scriptures say about baptism and why baptism matters. We will also answer any questions you have about getting baptized. Following this meeting we will share the next steps for you, as you consider following Jesus by identifying with his life, death, and resurrection through the waters of baptism.

*Parents, please plan to attend with your children if they are interested in baptism.

Baptism Interest Meeting Part II (for those with continued interest) will be on March 30 at 12:30pm. Those interested in being baptized are asked to attend both Part I & Part II

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Orphan Care Interest Lunch
1:00 PM13:00

Orphan Care Interest Lunch

At The King’s Church, we believe that caring for motherless and fatherless is a major part of our mission in both declaring and displaying the gospel. The question is not “if we should care for them”, but ‘how should we care for them”? 

If this is something you are interested in exploring, the Orphan Care ministry is hosting a special lunch to help you discover the ways you can serve those in need. We will have people representing different areas of service to share their experiences and answer your questions. The important first step you can take is to be there, ready to serve.

Lunch and childcare will be provided. Please register so we can have enough food and childcare. If you have questions please feel free to contact Chris Andersen.

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Easter Sunday Service
11:00 AM11:00

Easter Sunday Service

We are excited to invite you to join us at the Polk Theatre for one corporate worship service at 11:00am on Easter Sunday (April 20)! This will be a wonderful opportunity to gather together corporately as one body and have enough space to invite others to join us. We are still finalizing all of the details so please stay tuned and we will keep you posted as these develop.

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Women's Dinner
6:00 PM18:00

Women's Dinner

Women’s Dinners exist to declare and display the gospel through friendship. We will gather for this event three times a year for female members of TKC to break bread as we develop friendships rooted in gospel conversations.

February-who are we?
June-what were we made for?
October-how do we do it together?

Dinner details TBD!

**All of our amazing youth girls are welcome to join!

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