At The King’s Church, we regularly observe a time of child dedications during our corporate worship gathering. These child dedications are an opportunity to draw our attention to three things. First, child dedications are an opportunity to recognize that children are a blessing from the Lord. While our culture tends to view children as a burden or an inconvenience, the Scriptures clearly teach that they are a blessing and a heritage from God (Ps. 127:3-6) who are worthy of love, honor and respect as full image-bearers of God. The Lord calls us to care for the “least of these” (Matt. 25:40) which certainly includes children who are wholly dependent on others. In the life and ministry of Jesus, we see that he valued the company of children when others did not, and he urged his disciples to exercise “child-like faith.” Ultimately, children are a blessing from the Lord because they belong to him. Child dedications give us the opportunity to celebrate God’s good gift and to respond in thanksgiving to him.
Additionally, child dedications invite parents to invest in the hard work of loving and discipling their children. Parenting is hard work! Seeking to love and disciple our kids toward Jesus is an act of spiritual warfare and it is an impossible task outside of the grace and strength that can only come from God himself. Child dedications give us an opportunity to remind parents that they are ultimately stewards of their children before the Lord, while calling them to sacrificially love their children in a way that declares and displays Christ within their home. This includes actively praying, supporting, teaching, disciplining, and discipling their kids. Child dedications give parents an opportunity to be publicly “commissioned” toward this work.
Lastly, child dedications are a call for the whole church to be actively involved in the raising of children. In God’s good design, the church is designed to be full of spiritual fathers and mothers toward the children in our midst. It takes a church to raise and disciple a child. It is important that the members of The King’s Church actively commit to getting to know the names of these children, to be praying for them, and to come alongside parents in helping disciple their children toward a greater worship of Jesus.
We are not able to raise our children alone, as all parents need help in this responsibility. By God’s grace, he has designed the family unit to exist within a deep commitment to the local church. We desperately need one another to do this. Child dedications are an opportunity for the members of our church to publicly affirm their commitment to the children God has blessed us with at The King’s Church.
Interested in learning more information or participating in our next time of child dedications? Please fill out the interest form below and we will follow up soon!