updates on corporate worship

A few updates to make you aware of:

  • Moving forward, we are consolidating to one corporate worship gathering at 3:00pm. The live-stream will also be available at 3:00pm on YouTube.

  • We will be capping registration at 50 people.

  • Due to the Lakeland mask mandate we will be asking everyone attending to please adhere to the new policy (see more below)

*A further note about face-masks/coverings: The Lakeland City Commission issued a mask (or "face covering") ordinance for the City of Lakeland, to be revisited in early August. The ordinance essentially asks that you wear a mask or face covering unless you are social distancing (6'). You can read the ordinance here & some important exceptions (such as children under 8 being exempted). For our particular situation, we would ask you to wear a mask as you are entering and as you move around Trinity Presbyterian. Once you are seated and are appropriately distanced you can remove it if you desire. We will continue to have masks available if you need one. We know that this has been a contentious issue in our country but throughout all of 2020 we have sought to respect the decisions of our local and state authorities & will continue to do so. We also need to respect our hosts at Trinity Presbyterian who are graciously providing this space for us to meet who are following the same guidelines. Thanks for your cooperation here & please contact us with any questions or concerns. 

Resuming Corporate Worship!

We are excited to be resuming in-person corporate worship! Trinity Presbyterian Church has been gracious to open up their fellowship hall in order for us to gather. Please see the announcements above, watch the video, and/or read through the summary of what to expect as we plan to gather at Trinity through at least the month of July.

What You Need To Know

Location & Time


We will be gathering at 3:00PM at Trinity Presbyterian Church (301 N. Florida Ave. Lakeland, Fl 33801) in their fellowship hall. Please enter at the doors under the covering from the parking lot in the rear. We will have signs for The King’s Church & the doors propped open.

seating Capacity & live stream

In order to gather safely and to not exceed our seating capacity, we will be asking for everyone who plans to attend to pre-register each week. Registration will open weekly on Wednesday at noon. Please register for every seat you will need, including any children or guests you may have joining you. If you end up being unable to attend after registering, we ask that you cancel your registration to open your seats back up. Seating will be spaced out to honor social distancing.

If you are unable or uncomfortable returning to in-person worship, we will be offering a live stream of our corporate worship gathering on Sundays at 3:00pm on our YouTube channel! You can access that live stream on Sundays HERE.

safety & sanitation

We will be throughly cleaning before and after each service and encouraging everyone in attendance to observe social distancing as we enter & exit the fellowship hall. We will make every effort to keep our gatherings “touch free” & eliminate common contact points. We will have doors propped open, pre-packaged communion, and a giving box at the door where we will exit at the conclusion of our gathering. We are also encouraging everyone in attendance to wear a mask while we are gathered inside & we ask that any congregating take place in the parking lot at a safe distance before and after each service. We also will not be offering coffee at this time - so be sure to bring your own!

Kingdom Kids

At this time, we will unfortunately be unable to offer Kingdom Kids. There will be clipboards and activity sheets provided for families. Amy has provided a number of resources & encouragements for parents to consider if you plan to attend with your children which you can access HERE.  We are excited to have our kids join us in corporate worship & any joyful noises they may add to our gathering! You can always access the live stream if you do not feel comfortable bringing your children & Amy is also teaching Kingdom Kids online through Zoom on Sunday mornings for 3-10 year olds. Email Amy for more information.

Service Length & elements

We will be having a shortened service of roughly 45-55 minutes that will be very similar in structure to the worship guides we have been providing the last three months, including singing, Scripture reading, communion (elements will be pre-packaged), and a shorter sermon (20-25 minutes). We will be dismissing to the parking lot immediately following our gathering so appropriate cleaning & safe interactions can take place.

If you have any questions at all, please don’t hesitate to contact us here!
