If you are not currently a member at The King’s Church & would like to learn more information about membership, we would love to have you join us at our upcoming interest meetings! These meetings are also a great way to learn more about our church & ask more questions of some of our leaders if you are still exploring our church.
Here is what you need to know for this two-part meeting over the weekend of March 7-9:
Part I: Friday, March 7, from 7:00pm-8:30pm, we will gather at the church (in the Fellowship Hall) for and a chance to get oriented to The King’s Church. You’ll have a chance to meet some of our key leaders and hear about the history, vision, and mission of our church. We will also talk through our core values and ways to get plugged in to our church family. There will also be an extended time for Q&A at the end of our time together. No childcare will be provided for this meeting but we will have dessert to share!
Part II: Sunday, March 9, from 12:30pm-2:30pm (right after church): at this second meeting we will walk through what the Bible has to say about church membership, look at our membership covenant together, and talk through some of our doctrinal and theological distinctives. Next steps for membership will also clearly be outlined at this time. Childcare and lunch will be provided for this meeting.
In order to ensure we have enough food and childcare workers, please register below to let us know that you are coming! Please contact us if you have any questions ahead of time.