To all who are weary and need rest, To all who mourn and long for comfort, To all who feel worthless and wonder if God cares, To all who fail and desire strength, To all who sin and need a Savior: The King’s Church opens wide her doors with a welcome from Jesus Christ, the Ally of His enemies, the Defender of the guilty, the Justifier of the inexcusable, the Friend of sinners.


We would be honored to have you join us on Sundays! We gather for corporate worship at 9:00am and 11:00am in our beautiful church home at 730 S Florida Ave. We also have a corporate prayer time at 7:30am every Sunday in the sanctuary, where our service teams and members gather to pray for the morning and the needs in our church family.

When you arrive, look for our parking signs and members of our parking and hospitality team who will available to assist and answer any questions you may have.

*Note: We do not live-stream our Sunday morning corporate worship gatherings. You can read an explanation from our pastors here.


During our corporate worship gathering we sing songs, read Scripture, and pray together, listen to a gospel-centered sermon from one of our pastors, and take communion. Our gatherings are usually around an hour and fifteen minutes long. We will explain everything we are doing throughout the service so you do not feel out of place or confused.

Each Sunday morning, we give emphasis to two areas as we gather for worship:

  • Gospel Doctrine: we are committed to making the good news of Jesus central to everything that we do as we gather, holding fast to the “faith that was once for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 3) and making clear the gospel that is “the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes” (Rom. 1:16).

  • Gospel Culture: we are equally committed to cultivating a culture that is consistent with this incredible, life-changing good news about Jesus. By God’s grace, we strive every week as a church to create a hospitable culture, “welcoming one another as Christ has welcomed us, to the glory of God” (Rom. 15:7).

You can listen to some of the songs we regularly sing together by checking out the Spotify playlist linked below

You can listen to some of our recent sermons from our pastors at the link below


Kingdom Kids exists to point our kids to King Jesus. More than simply childcare, our children’s ministry aims to come alongside parents in discipleship of their children who are blessings from the Lord. On Sunday mornings, we offer classrooms for Nursery through Elementary students in both services (9:00am & 11:00am). On the final Sunday of each month, our Elementary Students (1st-5th grade) join us in corporate worship in the sanctuary for the whole gathering.

To help disciple & prepare our children to be meaningful participants in corporate worship as they grow older, classrooms for preschool and older will begin Sunday morning in corporate worship with their family, and then are dismissed before the sermon begins to their classrooms.

When you arrive on Sunday, head to the check-in lobby located in the back building to get started!

In addition to Kingdom Kids, we have a few other spaces to serve our families and children:

  • There is a Nursing Mom’s Room available, equipped with a live-stream of the service for mothers who need to utilize this space for privacy as needed

  • We have a Cry Room in the back of the sanctuary that families are welcome to use during service

  • Kids clipboards are available in the connection room every Sunday for children who are joining us for service, with a guided worksheet designed to help them follow along.

Please know that families are always more than welcome to bring their children into worship with them! Kids are deeply shaped by our worship and including them in this time is a reminder of the full expression of the body of Christ (young, old, and in-between) gathered to worship Jesus together.


We’re excited to meet you! Please fee free to hang out before or after service to meet our leaders and connect with others. Be sure to stop by our connection room to grab a cup of coffee and learn more information about getting further plugged in at The King’s Church. Look for someone with a welcome lanyard if you need any assistance.

We also host an “Open House” immediately following service the last Sunday of each month! In this brief meeting, you’ll have a chance to meet some of our pastors, hear more about our church, and ask questions. You can see upcoming Open House meetings on our events page linked below


If you have any other questions for us before coming on a Sunday, please contact us at the button below! We look forward to meeting you soon.
