Creator of Heaven and Earth

Revelation 4:1-11

Main Idea: God created and sustains all things so that we, His creatures, might fully enjoy His beauty and magnificence.

Why do we (on earth) think and respond differently to God as Creator than they do in heaven?

  1. When we think of God as Creator, we Him imagine more like a designer, the inventor of all that has been made. When they think of God as Creator, they regard Him as the owner, the ruler of all that has been made.

  2. Because of how we tend to think about God as Creator, when we look at what has been created, we focus on its mechanics and magnitude, as if it were some vast amazing machine, a museum artifact to be studied, analyzed and explained. When they look at what has been created, they see it as the source and reason for expressing glory and honor and power to its Creator. 

  3. When we think of ourselves as creatures, we tend to think both too little and too much of ourselves at the same time. When they think of themselves as creatures, they step fully into their respective roles and rejoice completely in the centrality of the Throne.

How might we remedy the situation?

Three suggestions:

  1. Regularly confess and give thanks for God’s governance over your life and His world

  2. Stress less about the science and superstitions behind creation skeptics and sing more about the beauty and blessedness of the Creator

  3. Step fully into the reality of Jesus, the Christ, our Lord.