Help in Time of Need

HElp in time of need

Psalm 27

Main Idea: Everyone who trusts in the Lord will not be put to shame.

I. He’s Done it (27:1-6)

Let us learn, therefore, to put such a value on God’s power to protect us as to put to flight all our fears. Not that the minds of the faithful can, by reason of the infirmity of the flesh, be at all times entirely devoid of fear, but immediately recovering courage, let us, from the high tower of our confidence, look down on all our dangers with contempt. Those who have never tasted the grace of God tremble because they refuse to rely on him and imagine that he is often incensed against them, or at least far removed from them. But with the promises of God before our eyes and the grace which they offer, our unbelief does him grievous wrong, if we do not with unshrinking courage boldly set him against all our enemies. When God, therefore, kindly invites us to himself and assures us that he will take care of our safety, because we have embraced his promises or because we believe him to be faithful, it is fitting that we highly extol his power, so that it may ravish our hearts with admiration of him.

~ John Calvin, Commentary on the Psalms 

II. He’s Doing It (27:7-12)

A. For He will hide me in his shelter in the day of trouble

a. He will conceal me under the cover of his tent

i. He will lift me high upon a rock

ii. And now my head shall be lifted up above my enemies

b. I will offer in his tent sacrifices with shouts of joy

B. I will sing and make melody to the Lord 

III. He Will Do It Again (27:13-14)

Colossians 1:15-22

1. He is the image of the invisible God

2. He is the firstborn of all creation.

3. He has made all things in heaven and on earth

4. He has made everything that is visible and invisible 

5. All things were created through him and for him

6. He is before all things

7. He holds everything together 

8. He is the head of the church.

9. He is the firstborn from the dead 

10. He is the preeminent one above all things

11. All the fullness of God was pleased to dwell

12. He is the reconciler of all things

13. He has made peace by the blood of his cross

14. He has reconciled his enemies by his death

15. He will present his people Holy and blameless before Himself