Pat Kappenman April 26, 2020 Apostles' Creed Creator of Heaven and Earth Pat Kappenman April 26, 2020 Apostles' Creed Revelation 4:1-11 | God created and sustains all things so that we, His creatures, might fully enjoy His beauty and magnificence.
Ian Thomas April 19, 2020 Apostles' Creed God the Father Almighty Ian Thomas April 19, 2020 Apostles' Creed Ephesians 1:3-14 | God is the praiseworthy, eternal, and almighty Father who brings to pass every purpose of his will.
Ian Thomas April 18, 2020 Apostles' Creed Introduction to the Apostles' Creed Ian Thomas April 18, 2020 Apostles' Creed A conversation about The Apostles' Creed from the pastors at The King's Church.
Ian Thomas April 12, 2020 Easter 2020 The Risen Redeemer Ian Thomas April 12, 2020 Easter 2020 Luke 24:13-35 | The resurrection of Jesus is the fulfillment of promised redemption, securing hope and igniting faith.
Ian Thomas April 10, 2020 Easter 2020 The Crucified King Ian Thomas April 10, 2020 Easter 2020 Luke 23:32-49 | The cross was God’s divine plan to overthrow evil and accomplish salvation for us in Christ.
Pat Kappenman April 5, 2020 Psalms of Ascents The Good and Pleasant Place Pat Kappenman April 5, 2020 Psalms of Ascents Psalms 133-134 | what, why and how?
Ian Thomas March 29, 2020 Psalms of Ascents Walking in Forgiveness, Waiting in Faith Ian Thomas March 29, 2020 Psalms of Ascents Psalm 130 | The Lord graciously forgives guilty sinners and invites us to wait on him in faith
Ian Thomas March 22, 2020 Stand Alone A Present Help in Great Trouble Ian Thomas March 22, 2020 Stand Alone Psalm 46 | Though this world is full of trouble, we can turn to God for help and strength
Ian Thomas March 8, 2020 Psalms of Ascents Walking in Perseverance and Endurance Ian Thomas March 8, 2020 Psalms of Ascents Psalm 129 | Though we will face opposition, God has broken the power of the enemy and will one day end all evil.
Pat Kappenman March 1, 2020 Psalms of Ascents Finding the Blessed Life in a Broken World Pat Kappenman March 1, 2020 Psalms of Ascents Psalm 127-128 | There is a way of living that aligns with the “grain” of the cosmos and that results in blessedness. The way can be found.