Pat Kappenman July 5, 2020 Apostles' Creed We Believe in the Church Pat Kappenman July 5, 2020 Apostles' Creed Matthew 16:130-20 | The church is Jesus’ “called out” global community of sinners made saints who right now constitute His physical presence in the world and who will one day rule and reign with Him forever.
Andrew Lovette June 28, 2020 Apostles' Creed I Believe in the Holy Spirit Andrew Lovette June 28, 2020 Apostles' Creed John 14:15-27 | The greatest gift the Father gives to those who follow the Son is the Holy Spirit.
Ian Thomas June 21, 2020 Apostles' Creed From There He Will Come to Judge the Living and the Dead Ian Thomas June 21, 2020 Apostles' Creed 2 Thessalonians 1:3-12 | Jesus will return bringing righteous judgment on those who reject him while vindicating those who believe in him.
Ian Thomas June 14, 2020 Apostles' Creed He Ascended to Heaven & is Seated at the Right Hand of God the Father Almighty Ian Thomas June 14, 2020 Apostles' Creed Ephesians 1:15-23 | Jesus ascends to heaven as the exalted King who establishes his church and empowers our mission.
Ian Thomas June 7, 2020 Apostles' Creed The Third Day He Rose Again from the Dead Ian Thomas June 7, 2020 Apostles' Creed Acts 2:22-32 | The resurrection was the sovereign plan of God to vindicate Jesus as our Savior & Lord.
Ian Thomas May 31, 2020 Apostles' Creed He Descended to Hell Ian Thomas May 31, 2020 Apostles' Creed Revelation 1:17-18 | Upon death, Jesus went to the place of the dead to proclaim victory & begin his exaltation as King.
Andrew Lovette May 24, 2020 Apostles' Creed Was Crucified, Died, and Buried Andrew Lovette May 24, 2020 Apostles' Creed Colossians 2:11-15 | Jesus finished work on the cross brings us complete salvation, complete forgiveness, and complete victory.
Ian Thomas May 17, 2020 Apostles' Creed He Suffered Under Pontius Pilate Ian Thomas May 17, 2020 Apostles' Creed Hebrews 2:10-18 | Jesus’ suffering with and for humanity qualifies him as our sympathetic savior & faithful high priest.
Ryan Whitfield May 10, 2020 Apostles' Creed Who Was Conceived by the Holy Spirit & Born of the Virgin Mary Ryan Whitfield May 10, 2020 Apostles' Creed Luke 1:26-38 | God’s grace is designed to meet our present faith.
Ian Thomas May 3, 2020 Apostles' Creed Jesus Christ, His only Son, Our Lord Ian Thomas May 3, 2020 Apostles' Creed Colossians 1:15-20 | Jesus Christ is the divine, eternal, preeminent Son who became man for us and for our salvation.